The Field

An immersive experience to end division

Imagine: you are walking into a forest glade. Another human sits on a blanket in front of you. You know for certain there there is something that you disagree on. Something important. Will you be able to find a point of connection? Or will the point of division be too big a barrier to overcome?

Based on a simple conversational card game, both participants are invited into a conversation, progressively sharing more of their personal story with the other, under the ‘point of division’ is revealed. How the participants respond is up to them: they decide if they leave as friends, or as foes.

The Field was designed as part of the Odyssey Works Experience Design Incubator in New York, to test the idea that once we understand ‘the other’, there can be no conflict. It toured festivals in the UK in 2021.

  • The Field was the best and most beautiful experience of the festival for me. I arrived to meet a stranger, and left with a dear new friend.

    Sadia Chowdhury, Field Participant


Community Vision — New Constellations


Heroine's Journey — Women's Empowerment Project